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Legal Practice is by nature confrontational.


It is our Client versus the other party,
be it the Administration,

another individual
or a powerful multi-million company.

Our job is to protect our client and equip them with all

the legal instruments for the successful outcome of their cases. 

Our job is the shield and the sword of your case. 

Simple as that.
Demanding as that.

For us, you are unique. You have unique expectations,

unique demands, unique feelings of anticipation for the

successful outcome of your case.


And behind official documents with pompous stamps,
governmental posts and fancy titles,

there is always a person harming or attempting to harm our client.

Our unique ability is to understand the internal dynamics

of each organization that attacks us, separate the institutional nature

from the persons abusing their authority and strike back.  

We remain available to our client 24/7, as we were during

the litigation phase.   


In CM&A, we are humane.
Thus we are effective.

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